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Planning Your Wedding
We’d be delighted to meet you to discuss planning your wedding and we try to ensure that your wedding is the joyful occasion that you desire.
We have also opted into the resources and prayers of blessing for same sex couples who have had a civil marriage elsewhere but who wish to seek God’s blessing on their lives together.
We listen very carefully to couples planning their marriage and services strongly reflect their wishes. Very frequently couples find that their experience of their wedding in church far exceeds their expectations and becomes a truly treasured memory. We are always very sympathetic to requests for photographs and videos of the happy occasion. We try to be as inclusive in our marriage policy as the current Church of England legislation will allow.
As a wedding is a legal contract, to be married you will need either live in the parish or be on the “electoral roll” (membership list) of the church or have a strong connection to the parish (eg parents or grandparents worship in the church, family christened or buried here, attended school within the parish etc). You can also arrange for a marriage licence with the diocese. Do ask advice at an early stage.
As you come to discuss your marriage, the priest taking your service will help you reflect not only on your wedding day but on your future life together and we will make sure that your wedding is just as you would wish.
However, we also understand that sometimes past marriages fail for a variety of reasons. We are happy to celebrate marriages where one or both parties have been divorced but in doing so will follow the guidelines given by the Church of England which relate to how a former marriage failed and the welfare of any children.
A wedding service needs care to plan and to help you we have prepared a specimen order of service and fees list - just click on the links below.
Download an outline Order of Service. We are able to print simple orders of service for you if required at very reasonable rates (see costs below). We will do everything we can to ensure that the “big day” is all you would wish it to be, and more.
The fees table below sets out the cost of a wedding in church. Please note that the fees are set by the national church and will rise slightly year on year.
Suggested Hymns
Here are some suggested hymns, but there are many more:
Love divine all loves excelling (Blaenwern)
Lead us heavenly Father lead us (Mannheim)
Praise to the Lord the Almighty, the king of creation (Lobe D.H.)
Praise my soul the king of heaven (Praise my soul)
Now thank we all our God (Nun Danket)
All things bright and beautiful (Monk)
Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy (Slane)
O Jesus I have promised
Father hear the prayer we offer (Sussex)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Repton)
Who would true valour see (Monk’s Gate)
Amazing grace
Morning has broken
At the name of Jesus (Camberwell)
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart (Slane)
Blest are the pure in heart
Come down, O love divine
Immortal invisible God only wise
Let all the world in every corner sing (Luckington)
May the mind of Christ my saviour (St Leonard’s)
O for a heart to praise my God
Take my life and let it be (Emma)
The king of love my shepherd is (Dominus regit me)
The Lord’s my shepherd
Please make sure that the tune is the one you want!
Traditional entrance music:
Bridal March from Lohengrin – Wagner
Trumpet Voluntary – Jeremiah Clarke
Trumpet Tune and Air – Purcell
During signing of the Registers:
Sheep may safely graze – Handel
Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring – Bach
Morning – Grieg
Largo – Handel
Traditional music to leave:
Wedding March – Mendelssohn
Toccata - Widor
The 2024 legal fees are:
Banns - £36
Banns Certificate - £18
Service - £531
Verger - £30
Optional costs:
Organist - £75
Bells - £170
Heating - £75
Printing costs for orders of service:
Drafting - £25 and then
A4 card (white or cream) - 40p a copy
A4 paper (white) - 12p a copy
Bank details can be found on the relevant webpage for each church. Fees must be paid not later than 7 days before your wedding and the fees will be set out clearly by invoice sent to you.
Wedding at All Saints